Keywords are...
- A good way to start a search.
- The important concepts in your own words.
- Found anywhere in the article (title, author, subject terms, etc.).
- Very flexible. Very Powerful!
Connecting concepts...
- Link different parts of your topic with "AND."
- Join similar ideas or alternate term with "OR."
- Exclude concepts with "NOT."
Limit to Peer-Reviewed or Scholarly articles...
- This is part of the publication & editorial process for academic and research journals.
- Being peer-reviewed is a sign that a paper's author(s) have done a certain level of due diligence in their work and their research is complete, manages conflicts-of-interest, and is fair and objective.
Narrow the Date Range...
- When looking for Current Research or Evidence-Based Practices limit your date range to the last 3-5 years.
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