Lincoln University is grouped with some other libraries located nearby into a cluster. The cluster is named Arthur. When searching for books located at Page Library, you will look in the Arthur catalog.
Search for a book owned by Page Library by clicking on the Arthur Catalog link below.
If Page Library does not own a book you need, you may order it through MOBIUS. There is no cost for ordering books here. It may take 2-3 days for the book ordered to arrive. You will receive an email when it does.
If you cannot find what you are looking for in the MOBIUS catalog, try utilizing the OCLC World Cat database in the Electronic Resources section on the Inman E. Page Library website.
The OCLC FirstSearch service is a comprehensive reference service with a rich collection of databases supporting research in a wide range of subject areas. It includes bibliographic and full-text databases in addition to ready-reference tools such as directories, almanacs and encyclopedias. At the heart of FirstSearch is WorldCat, containing more than 227 million records representing over 1.7 billion holding locations in libraries worldwide. WorldCat adds value to databases in FirstSearch by linking citations to holdings that helps users find these materials in their own libraries and through the WorldCat Resource Sharing service. You can also limit your searches to the collections of your own library or library grou
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