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Citations: Chicago/Turabian

A guide to creating citations

What are Chicago/Turabian Styles?

"Chicago style" originated at the University of Chicago Press and is used today by many historical journals and some social science journals.

"Turabian style" is closely related to the Chicago style, but it has some differences geared towards student publications.

Many people refer to the two citation styles collectively as "Chicago/Turabian style."

Chicago/Turabian Style Handouts

These are printable handouts on Chicago and Turabian citation styles featuring multiple examples.

Videos for Help Using Chicago/Turabian style

Chicago and Turabian Style Help Links

Chicago/Turabian fill-in-the-blank web forms ("citation builders")

Plug in the appropriate information and view your citation in Chicago or Turabian format. Successful use depends upon entering the proper information! Compare your results with a Chicago or Turabian style handout (such as the ones to the right).