Page Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) classification system to organize books by specific subjects. The LC system uses an alphanumeric system that looks like this: "A 253 .B52 1997". To find books related to your topic, first search Arthur, the Page Library catalog. By doing a Subject or Keyword search you will find a variety of titles that relate to your topic, but a Keyword search may not give you sources directly related to your chosen search terms. If you know the title of the source you are looking for, you could opt for the "Exact Title" search to save yourself some time.
Many sources related to Agribusiness will be located downstairs (in the general collection) in these sections: "HD", "HF", and "S" sections, though titles may be found in almost any section. Also, many Agribusiness related titles will be government documents. These can be found both upstairs and on the main floor. These are organized using SuDoc which looks like this: " A 93.73/2:94"
For more information about finding books, journal articles, etc. please click around this LibGuide!
Click on the blue tabs above to find information on how to find articles and books related to Agribusiness. There is also a citation tab to assist with creating citations. Remember, if you need any assistance, please let us know. We are all here to aid the learning process!
Listed below are important professional organizations within the field of Agribusiness. Important information, current trends, and news can be found at each of the organization's websites.
Links to the answers for many frequently asked questions!
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